Our Values
We are Vegan Friendly product. We do not use animal related products such as bees wax and lanolin.
No animal testing. Only tested by members from "Singapore Pomade Enthusiasts".
Our reviews are authentic from Pomade Enthusiasts who have many years of experience in using hair styling products from all over the world. Be part of Singapore Pomade Enthusiasts Telegram group to find out more (https://t.me/pomadesg). Distinct individuals from SGPomades, SoSlick, Slick & Style, Heavy Metal Pomp and Five Minutes Pomp are part of the group.
Products are formulated in Singapore and our Tropics Matte Clay are specially Made in Singapore, homebrewed and crafted to Standards Beyond Perfection.
We are a Singaporean brand. In Singapore, there is a common word in Hokkien dialect called "Kiasu", which translate to "being afraid to lose". This is why as a country, we always strive to be the best (number 1) and live by this principle. Every product we have created is from the best ingredients and is crafted to deliver the best performance. Even the very essence of our logo, branding and label design has to be the best. Second to none.
If it's not good, we won't sell it.